Thank you for your support! You are the reason the stars are listening and answering our dreams!
Hi! My name is Marisa and with my family and some close friends, we own and operate Hilts Printing Innovations! HPI is the parent company to our main brands, one of which being :)
My love for stories stems back to my childhood when my dad would read Harry Potter to me every night, which, truth be told, took most of my childhood, considering I'd be lulled to sleep after a couple of pages. But I remember distinctly being amazed at how he always seemed to know when to switch the characters' voices and make them unique, painting the scene in my head so vividly. He'd claim it was as easy as just looking a couple of words down to see who was speaking, but I didn't fully believe it. I knew then that there was an art to storytelling, like magic. I knew he had it, and I wanted it.
Throughout my time at university, I first gravitated towards cinematography, wanting to tell stories through a visual lens. My doubts steered me off the path a bit, having me try my hand at studying teaching for a number of years, but I was always drawn to that dream of telling stories in a way that would make people feel the magic within the pages of a book. So I ended up earning my degree in English Literature, having no idea what I would do with it professionally. But it didn't take long for me to bring those passions and dreams to my dad. After all, he's where it all started.
Once again, he proved to me storytelling was an art, and this time, he helped me make my dream of storytelling a reality by being the sole person who took me seriously when I said I wanted to print our own special editions. It took years to perfect our system, and yet, we're still innovating and improving not only because the market demands we do but because we know storytelling is an evolving art form, and it's our goal to be one of the leaders in developing the next magical way to bring stories to life.